Leadership - Rajant Corporation


Leading Our Organizational & Technological Innovation

Rajant’s recognition as a market leader in wireless broadband mesh has been made possible by its forward-thinking team. Meet the thought leaders that continue to pioneer Rajant’s pervasive, multi-frequency wireless solutions to meet evolving customer requirements.

Robert J. Schena

Chairman, CEO & Co-founder

Paul Hellhake

President, Chief Technology Officer & Co-founder

Dave Schena

Chief Financial Officer

Diana Logue

Chief Operating Officer

Ed Preston

President, Military & Government Markets

Sagar Chandra

Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing

Marty Lamb

Senior Vice President, Technology Development

Dave Acker

Vice President of Technology

Don Gilbreath

Vice President, Systems

Steven Griggs

Vice President of Sales Engineering

Chad Mercer

Vice President, Information Assurance

Charles ONeill

Vice President and General Counsel

Bernard Taliaferro

Vice President of Global Channels


How to get Rajant

Interested in Rajant's one-of-a-kind network technology?

Kinetic Mesh extends Wi-Fi speed and capacity while bringing continuous mobile connectivity to enhance LTE—filling the gap with mission-critical coverage and added M2M communications.

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