Partnering - Rajant Corporation

Become a Rajant partner Join the Rajant Kinetic Mesh® Partner Program

Our Rajant Kinetic Mesh® Partner Program is designed to help you professionally specify, design, and install Rajant Kinetic Mesh® solutions. We provide multiple levels of training, technical resources, and marketing and sales tools to help you drive and close sales at every stage of the sales cycle.

Download the Rajant partner program brochure

A partnership level that suits your needs

Go into any industrial networking opportunity with confidence

With a high degree of uptime, ruggedized performance under the harshest conditions and the easiest, quickest installation on the market, Rajant has what it takes for you to secure new business and exceed your clients' requirements. Anyone can do wireless and many more network providers can handle static environments. Rajant's patented Kinetic Mesh® network, BreadCrumb® wireless nodes, and InstaMesh® networking software do connectivity differently. When mission-critical communication matters and zero-downtime, autonomous performance is demanded, Rajant partners have the solution.


Rajant's flexible leasing options let you deploy mission-critical networks now

Our leasing alternatives make it feasible for end users to move ahead immediately with a reliable, high-performance, secure, and fully mobile Rajant Kinetic Mesh® solution that they pay for over time.

Today's networks must support an ever-growing number of mission-critical applications, but too often limited budgets cause postponement of critical initiatives.

Rajant has partnered with Advantage Leasing of West Chester, PA to make sure our customers have every opportunity to put a financial leasing arrangement in place to support their network infrastructure requirements. For more details on our program please download our brochure.

Download Leasing Program Brochure


Partnering in our customers' success

Meet our partners who are helping us empower mobility-driven enterprises across the globe.

Kinetic Mesh Associate (KMA)

The entry level of the Rajant Kinetic Mesh Partner Program is the Kinetic Mesh Associate (KMA). The KMA promotes, positions, designs, installs and supports Rajant mesh solutions. A KMA is an integrator with a wireless networking focus and the technical knowledge required to be their customers' trusted advisor. Wireless networking is a critical core competency for a Rajant Partner, and this competency is enhanced through completion of Rajant's three-step training and certification program. When one member of the KMA's staff completes the training program, the KMA will graduate to the Kinetic Mesh Partner (KMP) level.

Australian Droid and Robot is a innovative robotics and automation company specializing in the mining and defence industries. Our extensive work in underground mobile fleet automation has demonstrated the overwhelming safety benefits delivered by removing people from hazardous environments.

Australian Droid and Robot's plug and play IIoT Robot Control System in combination with Rajant's BreadCrumb wireless network nodes can take your existing network infrastructure to new levels.

From remote inspection of inaccessible areas to the design and construction of specialised ground and aerial robots we are ready to work with our customers to provide innovative solutions in a realistic time frame at a realistic cost.

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