First built for military and defense applications, Rajant Kinetic Mesh networks are specifically designed for the rugged terrains and harsh physical environments seen by troops in the field, and have been battle-proven to support the mission-critical communications they need to overcome environmental adversity.
Keep Communications Open at Any and All Times.
Rajant’s InstaMesh technology enables the wireless military mesh network to remain fully operational even when nodes are lost or radio frequencies are jammed. The network is able to dynamically utilize all available frequencies for any and all functions, with nodes that support up to four 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac radios simultaneously and in a wide variety of combinations.
If there is interference on any one frequency, the node will make use of one of the other available frequencies to complete its transmission. This capability provides robust fault tolerance, high throughput, and low latency even in situations where the enemy is attempting to block communications.
Create Convoy Connectivity with V2V Communications.
In theaters of operation worldwide, coalition forces depend on resilient vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications between moving convoy vehicles. Lead, rear, and all vehicles in between can be linked via Rajant BreadCrumbs to ensure that voice, video and data communications remain on the localized network – even if some of the satellite-equipped vehicles are compromised.
By complementing either satellite or microwave link, and providing resilient, self-healing broadband connectivity, Kinetic Mesh® networks ensure safety and survival in remote battlefield operations.
Click Here to Download Condor Capabilities Sheet
Click Here to Download Peregrine Capabilities Sheet
Rely on the Proven Provider of Military-Grade Network Infrastructure.
Rajant Kinetic Mesh® networks have been deployed by leading military and defense customers with unmatched real-world success. Our BreadCrumbs operate reliably in the harshest conditions, and provide configurable per-hop, per-packet data authentication to ensure extreme security of mission-critical transmissions.
Get to Know Rajant Cryptography Technology.
Click Here to Download the Wolverine Brochure
Click Here to Download the RiSM Spec sheet