Meet Rajant at ISC East and NDEM 2021

Rajant Kinetic Mesh® for Safety & Security:
Rapid Deployment with Real-Time Communications Safeguarding First Responders with Everywhere Mobility

Constant connectivity is critical to public safety operations, but ensuring it can be difficult. Rajant’s rapidly deployable, self-healing, mobile, and highly secure private wireless solution overcomes the challenges of enabling easy-to-install, real-time communications in complex situations and challenging locations.

See how Rajant Kinetic Mesh® enables reliable communications and secure data for public safety and industrial security during the International Security Conference & Exposition (ISC East) and the Natural Disaster & Emergency Management (NDEM) Expo in New York City. Our team will be on hand to demonstrate the comprehensive solutions Rajant and our strategic technology partners provide. Live stream situational awareness and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications between technologies, like shotgun detection, bomb disposal robots, first responder wearables, and other autonomous systems will be showcased, along with pop-up shelter communications. Visit us on Nov. 17 and 18 at ISC East – Stand 843, and at NDEM – Stand 353.

Schedule a time to meet with us here


Informative Sessions on Achieving Reliable Communications

Rajant will be speaking during the “Public Safety & Security Communications: Networking Demands to Support Automation Beyond COVID-19” session at ISC East on Thursday, Nov. 18, at 11:15am in room 1A07. This session will cover how networking must be advanced to keep up with the complexities of establishing and maintaining broadband connectivity throughout challenging times. Learn more about the session here.

Rajant will also present the “Ensuring Safety & Connectivity Anywhere: Rapid Shelter & Network Deployment Kit” session at NDEM on Thursday, Nov. 18, from 1:05-1:25pm on the vendor solution stage in the exhibit hall. The Rajant team will discuss how protection and communication can be achieved under any condition at any time through collaboration with Western Shelter and Dejero. Learn more about the session here.



Partnering for Your Success

See how Rajant’s partnerships with leading solution providers for public safety can streamline the path to improved productivity, safety, and security.

Press Release

Rajant Showcases Resilient and Secure SMARTfield Connectivity at ADIPEC with Solution Partners

Wireless Mesh Networks Support the Future of Public Safety

The public safety sector experiences critical situations that require dependable communications and connectivity between people, machines, and equipment at a moment’s notice. Teams need accurate real-time situational awareness to respond to threats, which can be achieved through the deployment of a robust, highly-secure network that offers fail-safe redundancy, high speed, and bandwidth that supports various systems. Read this white paper to see why public safety leaders are increasingly turning to wireless mesh to support their mission-critical needs.

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Read the White Paper


Kinetic Mesh Powers Robotics that Enhance Industrial Security

Autonomous robotic solutions are expanding the role that technology plays in enhancing security and public safety while creating operational efficiencies and saving time and money. But these technologies are only as good as the network that powers them. In order to experience the vast benefits that autonomous robots can provide, an innovative and highly reliable wireless mesh network must be in place. Read this white paper to see how Rajant Kinetic Mesh makes the deployment of mobile robotics possible.

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Read the White Paper


Ensure Connectivity with Award-Winning Technology

Rajant’s BreadCrumb nodes are built to withstand harsh outdoor environments and extenuating conditions faced by first responders. Nodes can be easily affixed to both stationary and moving equipment or vehicles and can also be vest-mounted to provide response and security teams with real-time communications and live streaming capabilities on the move. The award-winning ES1 BreadCrumb comes in a compact, lightweight, IP67 package that provides Ethernet and Wi-Fi access point interfaces to enable data, voice, and video applications everywhere. The device comes with multiple mounting options, making it ideal for deployment in and around pop up command+control centers and mobile hospital surge units.

Es1 Awards
Discover the Award-Winning Rajant BreadCrumb® ES1

Meet with Rajant During ISC East or NDEM

Fill out the form below to request a time to meet with Rajant during the show for a one-on-one discussion on how our network can help overcome your public safety and industrial security challenges. If you are not attending, fill out the form to request more information and to speak with us at a later date.

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